Hostels in belgrade

How to choose among all the hostels in Belgrade? Simple. Look for the one which gives you location, comfort, high level of services and attractive price. In February, Authentic Belgrade Centre Hostel нуди 30% discount on all prices, but that’s not all. If you book via our hostel’s website, you […]

February at Authentic Belgrade Centre Hostel

If you plan a trip to Belgrade in November, follow the instructions below: Chose Authentic Belgrade Centre Hostel Book a room via Airbnb, as our rates are the lowest on this booking site. Until the 30th of November, you can book: our private apartment for two persons with en suite […]

Authentic Belgrade Centre Hostel Best offer on Airbnb

We had a very cheerful and dear guest at Authentic Belgrade Centre Hostel: Joosoon, who smiled, talked, cooked and visited every interesting spot in Belgrade. Уствари, Joosoon is not only a guest, he became our friend!

Joosoon at Authentic Belgrade Centre Hostel

Marta and Daniel from Spain spent one night in our twin room. In the morning we served them our breakfast and their smiles on the picture show they were satisfied. Daniel granted us with two thumbs for “Great”, while Marta obviously knows how to greet in Serbian, with three fingers!

Marta and Daniel from Spain at Authentic Belgrade Centre Hostel

Suzann and Christoph came from Germany to Belgrade by bike (!!!) all along the Sava river. Our staff voted for them as our top rated guests: Прво, for their strenght and courage to drive bikes on a such long distance and considering the fact that the weather was not always […]

Top rated guests at Authentic Belgrade Centre Hostel

Evgeniia and Oleg enjoyed Belgrade and Serbia, as they had the opportunity to visit also Novi Sad and Mećavnik. After long walks in order to see as much as possible, they could rest in our suite and we hope they had a comfortable and memorable stay at our hostel, despite […]

Oleg and Evgeniia at Authentic Belgrade Centre Hostel

Ако сте ватерполо фан, you certainly know that the European Championship in Water Polo will be held in Belgrade for the 10th to the 23rd of January 2016. Ватерполо је озбиљна ствар у Србији, as our “Dolphins” are the current world champions. Узимајући то у обзир, […]

The European Championship in Water Polo with Authentic Belgrade Centre ...

Authentic Belgrade Centre и даље слави своје отварање! За све резервације обављене од 1. до 31. Октобра преко нашег сајта за датуме у Октобру, поклањамо аутентични српски доручак за све време вашег боравка! Breakfast is the most important meal during the day and you will need strength to visit all there is to see […]

Free Serbian breakfast at Authentic Belgrade Centre Hostel

We had the pleasure to welcome four smiley guys from the UK. Between Ljubljana and Sofia, they dedicated two days for Belgrade. We know they had a wonderful time in our famous bohemiam street Skadarlija, with a tasteful diner and cheerful music for the soul.

UK fellows at Authentic Belgrade Centre Hostel